1.Write the vision down
2. Never give up
3. Problems and obstacles are real don't be discouraged
4. Do it any way
5. Do not lose focus
6. Be hard working
7. Be a servant if you will be a master
8. Have goal, dream, vision, and good plans.
9. Always be positive and not negative
10. Good communication, information and always stay in touch with the right people
11. Keep ur mind free from grudges and learn to forgive
12. Be where you will be celebrated
13. Have a smiling face always
14. Love what you do for a living
15. Let envy, jealousy, greed, be far from you. They are not good
16. Be faithful at all time.
17. Stop procrastination
18. Manage your time wisely
19. Learn to be patient
20. Be grateful and thankful always
21. Select a role model
22. Have self control/self discipline
23. Be happy always
24. Humble yourself
25. Don't joke with prayers
26. Don't let a day pass you bye without saying Jesus thank you
27. Get more education
28. Be a good listener
29. Don't be extrovert (talkative)
30. Be a good thinker
31. When things get tough, be tough for tough time never last, but tough people do
32. When thing get rough, be rough
33. Have a good mentor
34. Keep doing the right thing
35.Read good books
36. Listen to good messages
37. Learn to help
Be an embodiment of love and peace to people around you.
38. Learn to tell people some sweet words e.g. you look great, you are growing, I love you
39. Attend seminars
40. Make God your father and recognise him always in your life.
if u follow this steps, the sky most surely be your limit. Please share to your friends.

Await for the next edition. Thanks...


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